1227 Rockbridge Rd. Suite 208, Unit 43 Stone Mountain, GA

Baby’s First Thanksgiving

The holidays are a time for family and friends, and what better way to start your child’s holiday celebrations than with their very first Thanksgiving? This year, make your child the star of the Thanksgiving show with these tips and ideas.

First, decide where to have the celebration. If you have a large family, you might want to host it at your house. Your child’s grandparents’ house might be the better option if you want a more intimate gathering. No matter where you choose to celebrate, make sure there’s plenty of space for little ones to run around and play.

Once you’ve decided on the location, it’s time to start planning the menu. Thankfully, there are plenty of kid-friendly Thanksgiving dishes that are both easy and delicious. Our favorites include roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.

Finally, don’t forget to decorate! A few Thanksgiving-themed decorations will set the mood and get everyone in the holiday spirit. Balloons, streamers, and a festive tablecloth are all you need to get started.

Why Celebrate Thanksgiving With a Baby?

You might be wondering why you should even celebrate Thanksgiving with a baby. But there are plenty of reasons! For one, it’s a great way to start a Thanksgiving tradition. And what could be more memorable than your baby’s first Thanksgiving?

Plus, capturing your little one’s reactions on video is a lot of fun. Seeing them experience all the sights, smells, and sounds of Thanksgiving is something you’ll never forget. And finally, why not give your baby a taste of the holiday? They’re sure to love it!

What Age Is Appropriate to Bring a Baby to Thanksgiving?

So, what age is appropriate to bring a baby to Thanksgiving? Well, it depends on your child. Some babies are ready to experience all the excitement of Thanksgiving when they’re just a few months old, while others might not be ready until they’re a little older.

If you have a young baby, it might be a good idea to wait until they’re a bit older so that they can enjoy the day more. Try waiting until they’re at least six months old so that they can start to understand what’s going on around them.

If you’re worried about your baby being too fussy or getting sick, don’t worry—there are plenty of things you can do to make their first Thanksgiving as enjoyable as possible. Just follow these tips, and you’ll be good to go!

Tips for Making Thanksgiving Day Easier With a Baby

This Thanksgiving, you have a lot to be thankful for. Your adorable baby is one of them! This year, make your baby’s first Thanksgiving extra special with these tips:

  1. Start a Thanksgiving tradition and have your family over for the holiday. It’ll be a lot less work than cooking for a crowd!
  2. Record a video of your family celebrating Thanksgiving. It’ll be a cherished memory for years to come.
  3. Give your baby a taste of Thanksgiving by letting them eat some of the traditional foods. They might not have much of an appetite, but it’s still a fun experience for them.

Ideas for Keeping Baby Entertained During the Day

It can be tough to keep a little one entertained during big family gatherings, but don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Have a stash of toys and books your baby can play with. This can keep them occupied for a while, and it’s a great way to get them used to playing with other kids.
  2. Take them for a walk around the neighborhood. This is a great way to get fresh air and see the sights.
  3. Let them meet the family pets. Pets are a great source of entertainment for babies and are usually very gentle with them.
  4. Give them some food to eat. This might not seem entertaining, but trust us—babies love to eat! And it’s a great way to get them used to sitting at the table with the rest of the family.

What to Do if Your Baby Gets Fussy or Crying During Dinner

What if your baby starts to cry during dinner? It’s definitely a possibility, and it can be stressful for both of you. Here are a few tips to help make the situation a little bit easier:

  • If your baby is fussing or crying, try to soothe them as best as possible. Sometimes all they need is a hug or to be held close.
  • If that doesn’t work, try taking them for a walk outside or for a ride in the car. The change of scenery might help calm them down.
  • If all else fails, it’s okay to leave the table and take your baby to another room until they’re feeling better. Just inform your guests ahead so they don’t think you’ve abandoned them!

How to Adapt Your Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes to Be Baby-Friendly

It’s your first Thanksgiving with a baby, and you’re probably wondering how on earth you will cook a traditional Thanksgiving feast. Never fear. We’re here to help!

We’ve a few tips for adapting your favorite recipes to be baby-friendly. For example, try using pureed pumpkin or sweet potatoes instead of milk and butter in your mashed potatoes.

Another great idea is to make a big batch of baby-friendly cranberry sauce. Just cook cranberries with sugar and water until they burst, then blend until smooth. You can add apple cider or orange juice for extra flavor.

And finally, don’t forget the dessert! Try pumpkin pie made with evaporated milk—it’s perfect for babies because it’s easy to digest and won’t give them an upset stomach.


Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to spend with family, and we want to ensure your little one has as great a time as possible. Remember some of these tips and ideas to ensure your baby’s first Thanksgiving is everything you hoped for.

  • Plan ahead: Start thinking about what you want to do for Thanksgiving well in advance to ensure everything is perfect for your baby.
  • Create a special space: Whether it’s their little corner of the table or their special seat, make sure your baby has a special place to relax and enjoy the meal.
  • Keep it simple: The last thing you want to worry about is preparing a complicated Thanksgiving feast for your baby. Keep things simple with some basic favorites.
  • Entertain them: Babies love to be entertained, so make sure you have some fun activities planned for them during the meal.
  • Make sure you have plenty of food: Thanksgiving is all about the food, so make sure you have enough for your baby. They may not be able to eat everything on the table, but they’ll enjoy tasting it all!
  • Take plenty of pictures: This is your baby’s first Thanksgiving, so make sure you capture the moment with lots of photos. You’ll cherish them for years to come.
  • Relax and enjoy yourself: The most important thing is relaxing and enjoying yourself. This is a special time for you and your family, so savor every moment!

Thanksgiving is a particular time for families, and we want to ensure your little one has just as great a time as the rest of you. With these tips, your baby’s first Thanksgiving will be perfect!

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