1227 Rockbridge Rd. Suite 208, Unit 43 Stone Mountain, GA

Taming Toddler Tantrums: Tips for Calming the Storm

  1. Stay Calm
    • Take a deep breath and remain composed. Your calmness can help soothe your toddler.
  2. Acknowledge Their Feelings
    • Let them know you understand by saying, “I see you’re upset.” This validates their emotions and can reduce frustration.
  3. Offer Choices
    • Give your toddler a sense of control by offering simple choices, like “Do you want the red cup or the blue cup?”
  4. Set Clear Boundaries
    • Be consistent with rules, but use a gentle tone to remind them of the boundaries.
  5. Redirect Their Energy
    • Distract them with a new activity or toy to shift their focus away from what’s upsetting them.
  6. Keep a Routine
    • Routines help toddlers feel secure and can reduce tantrums caused by uncertainty.
  7. Praise Positive Behavior
    • Celebrate their good behavior with positive reinforcement. Praise can go a long way in encouraging calm responses.

Tantrums are normal, but with these strategies, you can help your toddler navigate their big emotions with more ease.

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