1227 Rockbridge Rd. Suite 208, Unit 43 Stone Mountain, GA

Top Safety Tips for Your Baby

Congratulations on your new baby! You’re stepping into an exciting journey of parenthood, and we’re thrilled to be here to support you along the way. At Mothers Helping Hands Atlanta, we understand that caring for a newborn can feel overwhelming, but you’re not alone. With a few simple safety tips, you can ensure your baby is safe, healthy, and thriving during every stage of their development.

Babies Are Tougher Than You Think!

If you’ve watched the nurses at the hospital handle your newborn, you might have noticed they don’t treat them as delicately as you’d expect—tugging, twisting, scrubbing—babies are resilient! While newborns may seem fragile, they are stronger than we often realize. Don’t worry about everything; you’ll do just fine with guidance.

However, a few baby safety tips can give you peace of mind as you learn to care for your little one. That’s where we come in.

Your Go-To Source for Baby Safety

At Mothers Helping Hands Atlanta, we are committed to helping parents keep their babies safe. From the moment you bring your baby home to those early days of exploration, we want you to feel confident and prepared. Below, we’ve compiled a few essential safety tips for parents, along with additional resources like checklists and videos that can help you navigate this new chapter with ease.

Let’s dive into the top five baby safety tips every parent should know.

Top 5 Tips to Protect Your Baby

1. Keep Your Baby’s Sleep Environment Safe
A firm mattress and a fitted sheet are all you need for your baby’s crib. Avoid using blankets, pillows, or toys in the crib, as these can increase the risk of suffocation or SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). It’s important to create a safe sleep space where your baby can rest peacefully.

  • Tip: Place your baby on their back to sleep, and ensure the sleep surface is free from any loose items.

2. Use the Car Seat Correctly
Learning how to properly use your baby’s car seat is crucial. It can be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your baby is secure every time you travel.

  • Tip: Check out this car seat safety checklist to make sure you’re using it the right way. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and ensure the seat is installed tightly and properly angled.

3. Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Safety in the home is just as important as safety on the go. Make sure your home is equipped with both working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms on every level, especially in sleeping areas. Test them regularly to ensure they work and replace batteries as needed.

  • Tip: Set a monthly reminder to check all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home.

4. Keep Your Baby’s Crib Away from Windows
As your baby starts to grow and become more curious, it’s important to keep furniture like cribs away from windows, blinds, and any cords. Babies tend to reach for anything within grasp, and cords can be hazardous.

  • Tip: Remove any potential strangulation hazards by placing your baby’s crib and other furniture away from window coverings with strings or cords.

5. Set Your Water Heater to 120°F
To prevent scalding, ensure your water heater is set to 120°F (49°C) or lower. Babies have more sensitive skin than adults, so it’s important to keep the water temperature safe during baths and while washing baby items.

  • Tip: Use a thermometer to check your water temperature to ensure it is set correctly for your baby’s safety.

We’re Here to Support You!

At Mothers Helping Hands Atlanta, we believe that keeping your baby safe is a team effort. We are here to provide you with the tools and resources you need to ensure your baby is safe, from the moment you bring them home through their early years of development.

Whether you need assistance with newborn care, postpartum support, or just a little peace of mind, our dedicated team of caregivers is ready to help you every step of the way.

Contact Mothers Helping Hands Atlanta for expert newborn and postpartum care services at 470-260-4137 or email Support@M3HHomeCare.com. Let’s make your parenting journey a safe and joyful one!



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